Transforming the insurance sector: How machines will change the game for insurers

Transforming the insurance sector

Will the next round of competition in the insurance sector be fought – and won – by machine learning? It would seem so, with a handful of your peers already starting to arm themselves with the skills, capabilities and technologies to start winning the early battles. Are you ready to compete in this new environment?

Orlando Lugo

Socio Líder Industria de Seguros

KPMG in Colombia

Correo electrónico

Insurance executives can be excused for having ignored the potential of machine learning until today. Truth be told, the idea almost seems like something out of a 1980’s sci-fi movie: computers learn from mankind’s mistakes and adapt to become smarter, more efficient and more predictable than their human creators.

But this is no Isaac Asimov yarn; machine learning is a reality. And many organizations around the world are already taking full advantage of their machines to create new business models, reduce risk, dramatically improve efficiency and drive new competitive advantages. The big question is why insurers have been so slow to start collaborating with the machines. 

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