* Legal services are provided by KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft.
For years, the transformation of energy systems, the increasing use of technologies and digitalisation have set the agenda of the energy industry. The value chain is changing, consumer behaviour is increasingly determining innovative activity.
For at least as long, the energy industry has been at the centre of discussions about climate protection and CO2 savings. New social as well as regulatory issues around ESG will continue to have a massive impact on corporate strategies.
The large energy companies as well as regional utilities and municipal utilities are faced with the question of how the interplay between renewable energies, the hydrogen economy, mobility and infrastructure ensures a secure and affordable supply.
With our energy industry expertise, we provide comprehensive support in acting instead of reacting in the future and in actively shaping their success. We audit and advise on financial reporting, financial organisation and processes as well as energy business areas and the important areas of IT. To do this, we keep an eye on customer expectations, regulatory requirements and new technological innovations.
Michael Salcher
Regional Head East, Head of Energy & Natural Resources
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Focus topics
Overarching trends such as decarbonisation or the electrification of infrastructure are blurring industry boundaries. Our changing consumer behaviour is creating great opportunities for the energy industry to tap into new markets with connected cities, a hydrogen economy and electromobility.
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Further publications
- How decarbonisation succeeds in companies
- Decarbonisation: every industry needs customised solutions
- Our Impact Report 2023 from KPMG in Germany
- Anchoring sustainable practices in the property sector
- Future Readiness Index 2022: Report on the energy sector - High investment in risk aspects with declining optimism
- Why ESG data is so important for effective climate protection in the public sector
- Climate taxes: This changes for companies
- Cooperation across sector boundaries - success factor for smart cities
- The public sector has so far been inadequate in climate protection
- Green hydrogen as a key technology for the energy transition
- Climate neutrality in distribution grids
- The future of natural gas as part of Germany's energy supply
- Hydrogen – Energy source of a climate-neutral economy?
- Regulation of hydrogen networks in the different phases of market development
- Hydrogen as an energy carrier for a climate-neutral economy?
Blog articles (in German only)
Further blog articles (in German only)
- EU-Rohstoffgesetz: Was ist davon zu halten?
- Für klimaneutrale Mobilität brauchen wir E-Autos - und e-Fuels
- Energiewende-Interview: „Die Transformation geht nicht schnell genug“
- Fortschreibung der Nationalen Wasserstoffstrategie nicht ausreichend?
- CBAM: CO2-Preise für Einfuhren in die EU fordern Importeure heraus
- Wie kann Wasserstoff die Dekarbonisierung vorantreiben?
- Was die notwendige Energiewende jetzt beschleunigen würde
- Am Energiemarkt entspannt sich die Lage für Deutschland
- Die grüne Transformation der Deutschen Bahn
- Energieversorgung – das ist der Rechtsrahmen
- Wie Nachhaltigkeit in der Automobilindustrie verankert wird
- So machen Autozulieferer ihre Verbrennungsmotor-Produkte profitabler
- So können sich Unternehmen Ökostrom effizient sichern
Podcasts and Videos (in German only)
Further podcasts and videos (in German only)
Your contacts
Michael Salcher
Regional Head East, Head of Energy & Natural Resources
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Gernot Gutjahr
Partner, Consulting, Head of Technology Strategy & Operations
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Andreas Heidenreich
Partner, Advisory
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Michael Weinmann
Partner, Audit
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
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Jörg Ufer
Partner, International Transaction Tax
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
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