The world of work is becoming ever more dynamic, and employees are increasingly demanding more flexibility. Short-term mobile working from abroad, often in combination with holidays (workation), is already common practice in many companies. In line with the shortage of skilled labour, this offer is increasingly developing in the direction of "hire anywhere": New employees and managers are hired across borders and work from abroad on a long-term or permanent basis.
A successful "Work from Anywhere" strategy also has many advantages for the company. Not only can it have a positive impact on sales growth and profit margins, it can also increase the company's attractiveness as an employer: if companies give their employees maximum autonomy, it is generally easier for them to find, retain and motivate talented employees in an increasingly difficult labour market. Long-term or permanent working from abroad in particular also reduces the time and costs involved in travelling and business premises - and has a positive impact on the carbon footprint.
A variety of challenges for companies
In order to successfully implement working from abroad, companies have to deal with various issues, including (inter)national compliance requirements and welfare obligations, talent management, HR processes and corporate culture.
Issues that fall within the area of responsibility of the tax department also play an important role here: cross-border flexibilisation has both (labour) law and tax compliance risks, especially in the areas of wage and income tax, permanent establishment, residence and employment law* , social security law, requirements in the area of welfare obligations and data protection and security.
Four steps to your successful work-from-anywhere strategy
Company-specific needs analysis
How can Work/Hire from Anywhere help your organisation achieve business and talent goals?
Development of framework conditions and policies, taking into account potential compliance risks:
What specific form of Work from Anywhere is suitable for your company and what framework conditions are required?
Implementation planning with the involvement of all stakeholders:
What does the company-specific authorisation and risk management process look like?
Implementation of your customised work-from-anywhere strategy:
How should your company communicate the International Remote Work offer to maximise internal and external success?
Regardless of whether you need support with a holistic transformation, individual sub-steps or answers to specific questions, our Work-from-Anywhere team will be happy to assist you. Here, too, it is confirmed that a "one size fits all" approach is not expedient, but that your specific business model, strategic corporate goals and corporate culture must be taken into account individually.
Workation Toolbox
Choose from our modular range and let KPMG advise you on your workation.
Compliance check
- Compliance overview from KPMG experts
- Best practice compliance matrix
Added value: Efficient risk management
Workation policy
- Overview of the Workation guidelines
- Best Practice Workation Policy for immediate implementation
Added value: Short-term introduction of a workation policy
Workation Self Service
- Online tool to independently check whether workation is permitted under your policy
- Self-service enquiry and KPMG support to obtain the required A1 certificate
Added value: Provision of a tool with convenient operation and simple user guidance
Tool-based support
Risk management and process coordination relating to work from anywhere is easier with technological support: our platform solution LINK Go makes this possible - from the application process and risk assessment to tracking and reporting. The software-as-a-service solution also covers all other forms of global employee mobility, such as business trips, secondments, etc. Coordinate your workflow management, keep an eye on processes and tasks, digitalise and automate your document management. The platform is easy to use and its modular structure allows you to determine which applications you need.
Interested? Then click here for more information.
Demovideo LINK Go
Publications (in German only)
Further interesting Insights for you
- KPMG-Webcast: „Work anywhere, together: Steuerliche Herausforderungen managen“
- KPMG-Webcast: „Work anywhere, together: HR in the New Normal“
- KPMG-Webcast Live: „Work anywhere, together: Tax- und Legal-Compliance beim Homeworking“
- KPMG-Webcast Live: „Work anywhere, together: Social Security, Immigration & EU PWD“
- KPMG-Webcast Live: "Work anywhere, together: Marktüberblick und praktische Umsetzung“
Your contacts
Dr. Tobias Preising
Partner, Tax, Global Mobility Services
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Anne Burgard
Senior Manager, Tax, Global Mobility Services
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Ingo Todesco
Partner, Tax, Global Mobility Services
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
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* Legal services are provided by KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH.