Improving performance and becoming more resilient despite the coronavirus crisis - this is currently on the agenda for all companies. In view of the complex situation, optimising business processes is essential. In the "Performance Improvement Strategy 2024" study, our experts use survey results to analyse which value levers are particularly relevant for companies now and in the future.
Meino Müller
Divisional Head of Performance & Strategy
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
For the study, we asked 250 managers from the German economy for practical insights. Among other things, the participants were asked: Are measures planned to improve performance? Are they already being implemented? Why were they initiated? Which areas of the company are in focus? How should individual influencing factors be assessed - and where is the greatest potential in the short, medium and long term? The answers are presented and categorised graphically in the study.
Three remarkable findings at a glance:
- The intensity of competition and the market entry of new competitors is the most common reason for planning and implementing measures to improve performance. Difficult financing conditions and the shortage of skilled labour follow in second and third place.
- Process automation using artificial intelligence and other technologies was the most frequently realised and planned measure to improve performance. It is the top measure for nine out of ten respondents. Larger companies are ahead of smaller ones when it comes to implementation.
- Big data and data analysis was rated as the most important technology by 77 per cent of respondents. It makes it possible to gain valuable insights from large volumes of data, which support a more precise analysis of market trends and customer behaviour. Intelligent automation was voted in second place by 60 per cent of respondents. 53 per cent rely on AI applications to increase performance.
Top 3: The measures for implementation
Implemented in the last three years or planned for the coming year
Automation of processes through artificial intelligence and other technologies
Market optimisation/expansion
Effective measures to improve performance and recommendations for action
Many of the companies surveyed are already implementing measures to improve performance. Practical experience and the results of our survey show which five are currently the most effective:
- Automation of processes through artificial intelligence and other technologies
- Employee development and training
- Working capital optimisation and cost reduction
- Optimisation of purchasing processes
- Portfolio optimisation
In the study, we take a closer look at these measures, explain the associated challenges and the key success factors. You will receive a comprehensive picture of the situation as well as practical solutions to sustainably optimise your performance and overcome the coronavirus crisis.
Performance optimisation is successful if it is sustainable - which presupposes that it takes a holistic approach with regard to the effect on earnings, be it EBITDA or cash flow.
Insights into corporate practice
The results analyses are supplemented by interviews with top managers from leading German companies. They describe their experiences with performance improvement measures in their companies and share valuable insights on implementation. Download the "Performance Improvement Perspectives 2025" study now and benefit from the exclusive practical insights.