Financial crime threatens both the integrity of the global financial system and global safety and stability. Money laundering and terrorist financing prevention, fraud, theft, bribery and corruption are high on the agenda of the companies we work with, and regulatory scrutiny is driving ever greater focus in this area, presenting additional challenges.

Failure to operate and maintain effective financial crime prevention frameworks, including robust anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (“AML/CFT”) policies and procedures, can result in:

  • Regulatory sanctions, including substantial corporate and personal penalties
  • Financial loss and reputational damage
  • Involuntary criminality, via the support of entities with criminal and/or terrorist ideologies

Why choose KPMG?

It is critical to have the right team on your side. KPMG Risk Consulting professionals help clients understand how criminals could be exploiting vulnerabilities in their organisations, and we work with clients to identify, manage and mitigate their financial crime risk exposures in line with legislative requirements and industry best practice.

Our team can help you meet heightened regulatory expectations and mitigate the risks associated with financial crime. Our team members have extensive experience and regulatory backgrounds and include accredited as well as seasoned professionals, who have worked in, and with a variety of jurisdictions, industries, and organisations.

Our range of services includes:

Financial crime framework design which satisfies regulatory requirements and evolving expectations


Policy, procedure and process design


Financial crime prevention training to ensure awareness of existing and new regulatory requirements


Effectiveness assessments of current financial crime frameworks and benchmarking against regulatory requirements, guidance, and best practice


Assistance with regulatory readiness reviews to prepare your organisation for regulatory inspections


Support with any remediation identified following regulatory inspections


Contact our team