Indirect Tax Newsletter Egypt
Indirect Tax Newsletter Egypt
The government of Egypt has released the VAT Law on 7 September 2016 and enacted it as of the following day of being published in the official Gazette i.e. on 8 September 2016. VAT is to be levied on all commodities and services including the local or imported commodities and services listed in the table attached to the tax law in all its circulated stages.
General Overview
•The government of Egypt has released the VAT Law on 7 September 2016 and enacted it as of the following day of being published in the official Gazette i.e. on 8 September 2016. VAT is to be levied on all commodities and services including the local or imported commodities and services listed in the table attached to the tax law in all its circulated stages.
•The VAT Law number 67 of 2016 shall supersedes the sales tax law number 11 of 1991.
•A transitional period of three (3) months period shall be applied to set the house in order without imposing surcharge provided; that the tax differences are relatively connected to setting the house in order.
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