Building trust in analytics: Breaking the cycle of mistrust

Building trust in D&A: Breaking the cycle of mistrust

Data and Analytics holds the power to unlock untold value. But first you need to trust what the analytics are telling you. KPMG’s latest report explores the value of trust in the D&A equation. The report includes practical tips and ideas to help break the cycle of D&A mistrust.

Picture of Nikos Dimakos

Partner, Head of Consulting

KPMG in Greece


You can’t make sound business decisions if you don’t trust your data and analytics. Yet only around a third of all organizations have a high level of confidence in their customer insights or the analytics they receive on their business operations.

In this report, KPMG International explores the current trust gap affecting organizations around the world.

Based on a global survey of more than 2,000 organizations, the report shares insights and recommendations on suggested processes, practices and governance for building trust in D&A using KPMG’s four anchors of trust, a framework for assessing quality, effectiveness, integrity and resilience.

Should you trust your analytics? Find out in KPMG International’s latest report.

“As analytics increasingly drive the decisions that affect us as individuals, as businesses and as societies, there must be a heightened focus on ensuring the highest level of trust in the data, the analytics and the controls that generate desired outcomes.” 

- Christian Rast, Global Head of D&A, Partner, KPMG in Germany

building trust in analytics infographic

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