Under the shared management system of EU-financed programmes, before delegating implementation authority to an organisation, the EU Commission shall gain assurance whether the delegated entity ensures the level of protection of the EU financial interests as laid down in Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union. The Regulation stipulates that entities aspiring to manage EU Funds under the indirect implementation shall undergo an official pillar assessment.

The pillar assessment primarily aims at assessing and evaluating whether the candidate organisation complies with the criteria set out in the financial regulation.

How can we help

As an independent auditor, KPMG is committed to the regularity of expenditures made from EU Funds. With pillar assessments our assurance service team assists to our Client in reaching their goals.

KPMG Insights

How pillar assessment works for the indirect management system of EU Funds

Entities aspiring to manage EU Funds under the indirect implementation shall undergo an official pillar assessment. Read more on our blog! (Hungarian content)

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