Seeking Value through Internal Audit
Seeking Value through Internal Audit
Samjong KPMG provides guidelines for potential risk response, D&A introduction and audit automation to help Internal Audit team better understand corporate staffs and improve efficiency.
To help Internal Audit team better understand corporate staffs and improve efficiency, this report provides guidelines for 1) potential risk response, 2) D&A (Data & Analysis) introduction, and 3) audit automation. KPMG and Forbes published a report of a survey, which was conducted on over 400 CFOs and the president of Audit Committee regarding internal audit groups.
The study revealed that there was a value gap between corporate staffs and Internal Audit teams. Corporate staffs think that Internal Audit teams simply analyzes risks in a basic level. However, what they are actually expecting from Internal Audit teams is efficiency improvement. In particular, improvement through more active responses in monitoring, legal field and risk management.
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