KPMG IGNITE accelerates strategies for intelligent automation and growth



At its Global Data & Analytics (D&A) Summit in Boston, KPMG’s US member firm and KPMG International announced the launch of KPMG Ignite, a portfolio of artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities aimed to unlock the value of AI by enhancing, accelerating and automating decisions and processes that support clients' digital transformation journeys.

In building KPMG Ignite, KPMG member firms have combined the strength of their strategic alliances with technology providers across the AI landscape with their deep technical resources and accelerators, with the aim of creating powerful value through advanced analytics, machine learning, and beyond. These relationships allow KPMG to supplement the solutions with advanced data and analytics applications and platforms to help clients digitally transform their enterprise.

“Artificial intelligence, combined with advanced data and analytics and robotic process automation (RPA) are enabling a new generation of intelligent automation that is changing the nature of work and quality of services," said Cliff Justice, Principal and Leader of Intelligent Automation, KPMG in the US. “KPMG Ignite will offer clients and our KPMG professionals some of the most advanced suite of AI tools, solution capabilities and accelerators, designed to move quickly and capture the most value in this era of exponential technology change.”

“Today, when both the commercial entities and state authorities are talking of the need for digital transformation, the artificial intelligence and expanded analytics cease to be something far from everyday reality. However, selection of a specific case, specific IT solutions and preparation of the specific data remain a problem for many companies worldwide. KPMG Ignite platform is a convenient toolkit to address such problems quickly from any point of the world,” – comments Konstantin Aushev, Senior Manager, IT Advisory, KPMG in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

KPMG Ignite features:

  • An ecosystem of leading technology providers combined with tested open source tools, libraries & APIs that we utilize to build and deliver AI solutions
  • KPMG-built accelerators – patterns and tools that enable rapid AI solution development and delivery. These accelerators can reduce implementation time by integrating with existing IT infrastructure without the need for developing new methodologies and templates.
  • A set of frameworks and methods that describe and guide how KPMG professionals approach client-specific AI solutions and make them repeatable.
  • Highly skilled resources, including a dedicated Intelligent Automation Lab within KPMG Ignition, that utilize leading tools and approaches to build AI solutions.
  • Ongoing testing, prototype development and innovation on emerging AI tools and approaches.

“The promise of AI requires more than just technology. Its power must be grounded on a foundation of trusted analytics, access to unique and reliable data, and deep-rooted domain knowledge in order to drive new insights and strategies,” said Brad Fisher, KPMG’s US Leader of Data & Analytics. “KPMG Ignite fills a critical void in the marketplace for businesses that aim to meet the competitive challenges of the future, particularly those who wish to expand and serve customers more efficiently.”

KPMG’s leadership in both Intelligent Automation and D&A has earned the firm recognition from top industry analyst firms. KPMG was named a “High Performer” by HfS Research in the “HfS Blueprint Report: Intelligent Automation 2016,” for “building out the broadest Intelligent Automation capabilities among the Big 4.” In February of 2017, The Forrester Wave™: Insights Service Providers, Q1 2017, ranked KPMG as a leader with an impressive portfolio of data and analytics capabilities, stating “KPMG’s broad ecosystem is the gold standard among insights service providers.”

For more information about KPMG Ignite or to schedule a demo, visit:

For further information, contact:
Konstantin Aushev
Senior Manager, IT Advisory
KPMG in Kazakhstan and Central Asia
+7 727 2980898

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