Autonomous Navigation - Malta Maritime Law Association

Autonomous Navigation - Malta Maritime Law Association

Stephan Piazza, Shipping and Yachting Manager, moderated a debate on Autonomous Shipping and Navigation, organised by the Malta Maritime Law Association


Stephan Piazza, Manager within our Shipping and Yachting Team moderated a debate on Autonomous Shipping and Navigation during the seminar organised by the Malta Maritime Law Association of which Stephan is an Executive Committee Member.

The seminar focused on aspects concerning practical aspects of autonomous navigation and challenges the industry will sail through in the coming years.

The Malta Maritime Law Association is a non-profit making, voluntary organisation which was set up in 1994 with the aim of promoting the study and advancement of Maritime Law and its administration. With its expertise the MMLA plays a key role in ensuring that the Maltese maritime legislative and regulatory infrastructure is constantly updated, revised, amended and improved in a pro-active and well researched manner, in order to enhance qualitative standards as well as to further consolidate Malta’s pre-eminent position as an international maritime services centre.

If this is of interest to you, read more about Autonomous Navigation

Autonomous Navigation Malta Maritime Law Association
Autonomous Navigation Malta Maritime Law Association

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