On November 7, 2024, KPMG held the second session of its AML Roundtable Series, an engaging and informative event that brought together industry leaders, regulators, and KPMG experts to discuss the latest developments in anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. The session was mainly devoted to the Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA) and the Anti-Money Laundering Regulation (AMLR) as well as on the FIAU’s Supervision Plan 2024 – 2025. 

KPMG’s AML Roundtable Panel Discussion

AMLA and the AMLR

Keynote Insights from the FIAU

The session opened with a keynote address by Dr Clara Galdies from the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU). Dr Galdies provided a comprehensive overview of AMLA and the AMLR, shedding light on their anticipated impact and the role they will play in enhancing the EU’s AML framework.

Expert Analysis on AMLA and AMLR

Götz Fischer and Dr Melissa Van den Broek, from KPMG’s AMLA Office, delivered an in-depth presentation, examining the significant changes introduced by the single rulebook under AMLA and AMLR. The team highlighted the key changes relevant to Malta across various industries, as well as offering a detailed exploration of AMLA’s key functions, features, and its governance structure.

Throughout the session, interactive polls provided real-time insights into the views held by attendees on the topic. Most participants acknowledged that they are still in the exploratory phase of understanding the new AMLA and AMLR requirements. Many indicated that they are awaiting further clarity from the forthcoming Regulatory Technical Standards (RTSs), which will be issued progressively from late 2025 through mid-2027.

The AMLR will officially apply from July 10, 2027, a deadline viewed as ambitious by many attendees, who cited implementation challenges, internal bureaucracy, and increased reporting obligations as primary concerns. Additionally, the introduction and changes to other regulatory frameworks, such as DORA and instant payments, lead to the heightened ask on compliance resources.

Feedback from attendees suggested a general optimism about AMLA’s potential to enhance the EU’s AML regime, though some areas of uncertainty/challenge could also be noted. Attendees felt that the areas that are expected to have the most impact related to increased monitoring, reporting and the possibility of direct supervision. In response to another poll, it was noted that attendees supported stricter thresholds in line with other EU jurisdictions.

The final part of this session featured an engaging panel discussion with representatives from the FIAU and KPMG’s AMLA Office. Moderated by KPMG Malta’s seasoned practitioners, Alex Azzopardi (Partner) and Deborah Cassar (Associate Director), the discussion delved deeper into the practical implications of the AMLA and the AMLR. 

Looking Ahead: FIAU’s Supervision Plan

The event concluded with Ariane Azzopardi, Director of Quality and Risk Management, presenting the key elements of the published FIAU’s AML/CFT Supervision Plan for 2024-2025.

KPMG’s AMLA Office: Supporting Businesses Through Change

In response to the establishment of AMLA, headquartered in Frankfurt, KPMG has launched its dedicated AMLA Office. This specialised hub serves as a centre of excellence for AMLA supervisory policy and practice, offering bespoke guidance to help organisations navigate the evolving regulatory landscape.

KPMG’s AMLA Office leverages the expertise of a global network of professionals to support clients in meeting new obligations aimed at combating financial crime. Whether through tailored compliance solutions or strategic advisory services, KPMG remains committed to helping businesses stay ahead of regulatory challenges.

For the latest updates and insights, explore our comprehensive repository of AMLA-related resources.

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