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An ever-more ageing population, staff shortages, increasing waiting lists and financial pressure. Healthcare organisations currently face many challenges. In order to be able to continue offering modern, high-quality and affordable healthcare, a fundamental transformation in healthcare is needed. As a care provider, you are not alone.

Maintaining good health into old age is important to an ever-growing group of people. Healthcare organisations need to respond to that, but at the same time they need to address the challenges they face, such as recently the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, but also waiting lists, an increasingly ageing population and financial and administrative pressure. In order to maintain the quality and affordability of care in the future, we need to implement big changes now. Existing solutions are no longer sufficient; we need to work towards a fundamental transformation in care.

Working together for tomorrow’s healthcare

This transformation has slowly but surely already begun and is taking place in different areas: in the care delivery model, in the partnership with others in the chain, in the funding of healthcare and the way in which we design the processes within those organisations. By fleshing out the necessary changes together with public authorities and insures, by working together with other care providers, by using new delivery models and introducing new ways of working, healthcare will be able to change successfully.

Techological innovations, too, bring new opportunities. For instance, the use of new technology for new delivery models or the use of Data & Analytics (D&A) for population management. AI will also increasingly be deployed for prevention and treatment. Not to mention the deployment of robotisation to combat staffing shortages. In addition, new forms of regional coordination and partnership can be developed, with care providers working together in the chain. In order to successfully complete these transformations, we need to move to new forms of funding.

All of these developments mean that care organisations need to reinvent themselves. In policy and the deployment of financial resources, the government will have to shift the emphasis from care to prevention, and from illness to wellness. Care providers in turn will increasingly need to focus on integrating technology, data and AI in the care processes, so that care can be provided more preventatively and at home. In addition, they will need to focus not only on delivering care, but also on working on population management, prevention, early detection and early intervention. As a result, the existing lines in healthcare will become blurred and the adage will become ever more cooperation between different care providers. For financiers, such as health insurers and municipalities on one hand they have to play a directing role but on the other hand they also need to think about new and integrated forms of funding that will support the necessary transformation in helathcare.

You are not facing the transformation alone. We are supporting complex financial, technological and operational change processes during this transition. We will help you successfully address different issues, via our specialisms:

  • The connected care landscape

Healthcare is literally increasingly moving towards the patient. eHealth and digital applications are increasingly being used, whilst at the same time complex care tasks are shifting to specialist, leading clinical hospitals. All of this has an impact on how institutions organise care and how they are connected with other health care providers and patients. In the latest version of Wie doet het met wie we call for intensifying cooperation at a regional level. We help answer questions in the area of transformations in healthcare, and offer healthcare institutions step-by-step support in the change process. Not just strategically, but at a financial and operational level.

  • Continuously in Control

Healthcare institutions need to be completely up to date: in the financial sphere, in terms of legislationn and  regulations and with regard to the annual financial statements. We offer support and share ideas on where things can be done more efficiently. We also help with the claims*declaration process with Continu in Control: from justifying to predicting. This process takes place on a basis of trust, mutual understanding and transparency between healthcare provider and insurer. Not the least of the reasons we are there is to ‘disrupt’ the care professionals, in order to reduce their workload and enable them to do what they do best: care.

  • Technological developments in healthcare

The pace of technological developments in healthcare is incredibly high. big technology firms, startups, care providers, patients’ associations; everyone is working on new solutions for patients. Experts with years of experience in the healthcare sector and knowledge in the field of digitisation, such as ERP transformations, data, Cloud and platform technologies, are helping healthcare institutions make essential digital transformations.

The impact of COVID-19 in healthcare

Both in the short and the slightly longer term, the impact of the coronavirus on the sector is great. That calls for different approaches and deployment of expertise and capacities. In the short term, the focus will be above all on making available capacities and monitoring the course of illness. So that, need and capacity can be matched to one another, also across regions. In the hospitals, but certainly also in other sectors such as the municipal health services, residential and hursing homes and GPs. In addition, the use of maximum and safe remote care using digital tools is very important. In the longer term, increased liquidity, financial recovery and accountability for the entire financial handling are areas that require attention. Parallel to that, in the short and long term we need to decide how we can effectively and quickly address ‘disadvantaged’ elective demand for care. We make our knowledge and expertise available and offer concrete tools to overcome this crisis.


With our expertise, you can shape the transformation in your healthcare institution. We work in multidisciplinary teams and we work together within our worldwide network, constantly sharing perspectives and best practices and developing methodologies. We employ our knowledge and expertise for the different parties in the care sector. For example, care providers such as hospitals, municipal health services and youth care. We help care providers in areas such as strategy development, portfolio management, digital transformations and new delivery models, multiyear contracting and regional and other partnerships. In addition, we offer them support with financial and non-financial accountability.

With the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and regulators, we work together on policy development, evaluation and assurance statements. Finally, we work for the health insurers and banks. We offer support with multiyear contracting, financial issues, new funding forms and more.

Digital Health

The care market is transforming at a rapid pace into an information-driven sector. Technology is seen as the answer to various challenges. For mega trends reinforce the need for innovation. Discover more.

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