Maui Rau: From signal to action
Maui Rau: From signal to action
What are the key priorities when it comes to advancing the economic interests and well-being of Māori? KPMG’s 2017 Māui Rau thought leadership report canvasses the issues, and provides recommendations for action.
Creating an eco-system of Māori entrepreneurs – coupled with a focus on bringing the next generation of leaders through the ranks – are the two priorities identified in the 2017 Māui Rau report.
The report has been co-authored Riria Te Kanawa and Joe Hanita of KPMG, and Kirikaiahi Mahutariki and Jamie Rihia from ASB Bank. It follows the inaugural Māui Rau report launched last year.
It was compiled from a series of 13 roundtable discussions held with Māori businesspeople and leaders earlier this year, in New Zealand’s major cities and regional towns.
One of the key themes to emerge, says Riria Te Kanawa, is that new models of leadership will be required, as Māori prepare to face future challenges and opportunities.“
There is growing recognition of the need to create space for the next cohort of Māori leaders to progress the aspirations of their iwi,” she says.“
This will require us to balance wisdom and experience, with fresh energy and fit-for-purpose leadership skills. It’s also time to consider how to inject more diversity into our leadership – with a range of age, gender, skills and backgrounds to fully reflect our communities.”
The other key priority highlighted in the report is to build an “eco-system of entrepreneurship” among Māori. A modest increase in the percentage of Māori business-owners and self-employed would inject an additional $28b into the Māori economy by 2033, and create an additional 165,000 jobs.
Report co-author, Kirikaiahi Mahutariki, says the changing workforce landscape will see entrepreneurial skills become increasingly important.
“Creativity and adaptability are inherently Māori traits, which need to be nurtured from a young age within a modern education system,” she says.
“We’re currently some really exciting activity and growth in the enterprise space.”
You can download the 2017 report here, and the inaugural 2016 report here.
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