Renewable energy-an M&A overview

Renewable energy-an M&A overview

renewable energy-an m&a overview

Valuations are up as utilities and other larger players strive to keep up with new entrants and the pace of technological change. Corporate and financial buyers alike are searching for new opportunities, while keeping a close eye on the potential risks.

M&A activity in renewables is healthy and growing. Deal volumes have increased every year since 2010 and continue to climb. In the first half of 2017, there were 198 deals globally, worth €22.5 billion.

Valuations are expected to rise for off-shore renewables in particular. Offshore renewables are expected to increase over the next 24 months, according to 82 percent of respondents, followed by photovoltaic solar (81 percent), hydropower (68 percent) and thermal solar (51 percent).

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