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One of the largest Middle Eastern oil market equity groups




Defining a new organizational structure, developing a framework agreement, a catalog of centralized services and a model for their billing

Customer's challenge

The client is one of the world's largest oil companies by production and a state-owned oil company in the Middle East region. As part of its 2030 transformation strategy, the client initiated the process of establishing a Shared Service Center (SSC) for such specialized functions as procurement, finance, human resources, legal services, management and administrative services, technology, communications, and reporting to regulators.

Our client’s challenge concerned the lack of a finalized and approved mechanism and tool for allocating the costs of services provided by the SSC to group companies. In addition, the group did not have a finalized framework agreement documenting the terms, conditions, and scope of intra-group services. The client also had not developed an updated organizational and management structure to reflect the new processes and structures of the SSC.

abstract connections

Our approach

Implementacja narzędzi
Development of a budget and cost allocation model for intra-group services and verification of the proposed mechanism with the SSC and group companies.

Automatyzacja procesów
Review and update of management model, processes and procedures for: budgeting, cost allocation and change management in the master service agreement (MSA).

Analiza danych
Continuous monitoring and control of project progress and management of project risks and dependencies by the PMO team.

Kompleksowa obsługa umów leasingu zgodnie z MSSF16
Establishing of a reporting model including KPI reporting for shared services.

Możliwość wprowadzania zdarzeń wstecznie
Preparation of a master service agreement (MSA) for SSC functions and group companies.

Automatyzacja czasochłonnych procesów
Development of a catalog of services that would be subject to centralization.

Poprawa jakości i zwiększona kontrola danych
Customer support in negotiations - between functions and group companies - involving developed solutions.

Project workflow

The example of this project shows that clients are increasingly choosing to centralize previously less popular areas such as legal services, administration or purchasing. Thanks to multidimensional tools and a broad base of experts, KPMG is able to develop solutions tailored to specific processes, the specifics of the client and the sector in which that client operates.

Radosław Jankie
Partner, Consulting, Head of the Shared Services and Outsourcing Team
KPMG in Poland


Supporting the client in achieving strategic objectives aimed at a 20% cost reduction.

Buy-in of the companies' boards of directors for the proposed catalog of services, budget for intra-group services and framework agreement.

Deepening of trust between the SSC and group companies by clearly defining roles and cost allocation mechanisms and documenting the collaboration principles in the framework agreement.

Saving time in creating the budget for the following years with the potential for automation once the recommended IT solution is implemented.

Our support in numbers


resolved inquiries raised by group companies


documented KPIs (current and recommended)


CFO-signed budgets covering shared services costs


shared services catalogs created and signed by CFO

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