The EU has adopted new rules for the free flow of non-personal data

Rules for the free flow of non-personal data in the EU

Not only personal data have the European regulation. The EU will also regulate the free flow of non-personal data. The reform aims to remove barriers to free flow across the EU Member States.

Vlajka Europskej Unie

The European Parliament and the Council have adopted the new Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council No. 2018/1807 on a framework for the free flow of non-personal data in the European Union. The regulation will be complement to the GDPR, which allows the free flow of personal data within the EU.

The Principle of free flow of non-personal data through the borders should give business more flexibility in the market of data processing services within the European Union and also to improve its affordability.

The fundamental of the regulation is a general ban of existence respectively the adoption of the restrictions on free movement of non-personal data within the EU (except the exceptions listed in the Regulation). The Member States shall cancel existing and may not adopt new restrictions on processing of non-personal data in other EU Member States (except those restrictions).

The obligation to remove the above mentioned restrictions from the national law shall the Member States fulfill until 30th May 2021.

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