Buyer‘s appetite for alternative assets is booming

Investors are looking for alternative investment opportunities. 


Three pillars of agricultural value in Slovakia

1. Slovakia has one of the most affordable land&rent prices in the EU

agro land prices in the EU
agro land rent prices in the EU

2. Commodity prices at all time highs


3. ESG

Agriculture is implicated in multiple aspects of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing. Industrial agriculture can affect the environment, with certain risks from deforestation and the use of pesticides. On the other hand, the agricultural sector can also have a positive environmental impact, such as the manufacture of alternative fuels when plant products are used in biofuels, gasoline, or diesel that is mixed with oils from certain agricultural products by way of reducing the total consumption of fossil fuels.

source: S&P & KPMG analysis

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KPMG can help you

We strive to deliver attractive assets to our clients by focusing our expertise on companies whose operations sustain and bring a long-term value. We have extensive M&A experience in agriculture.

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Authors of the article

Miroslav Talian

Miroslav Talian
Deal Advisory 

Alex Corba

Alex Čorba
Deal Advisory 

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