Tax & Legal News Flash Issue 23

Tax & Legal News Flash Issue 23

Termination of Customs Duty Amnesty Program

Termination of Customs Duty Amnesty Program

In January 2016, the Customs Department released a Voluntary Audit Program that provided importers with an opportunity to approach the Customs Department and voluntarily disclose any import duty that was paid incorrectly in the past without penalties being imposed. The program was initially released for one year and subsequently extended for another year until 31 December 2017.


Earlier this week, the Customs Department announced that this Voluntary Audit Program will be terminated on 31 August 2017, as the resources at the Customs Department will be focused on preparing for the introduction of the new Customs Act, which will come into effect on 13 November 2017. It appears that the Customs Department intends to finalize and close ongoing cases under the Voluntary Audit Program before the new Act becomes effective.  


KPMG Customs specialists will be pleased to assist you with any queries relating to the Voluntary Audit Program or the new Customs Act. 

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