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Quarterly Navigating a business turnaround in Thailand
Latest issue
- Navigating a business turnaround in Thailand | Q3/2024
- Navigating a business turnaround in Thailand | Q2/2024
- Restructuring trends in Thailand | Q2/2023
- Restructuring trends in Thailand | Q1/2023
- Restructuring trends in Thailand | Q3/2022
- Restructuring trends in Thailand | Q2/2022
- Restructuring trends in Thailand | Q1/2022
- Restructuring trends in Thailand | Q4/2021
- Restructuring trends in Thailand | Q3/2021
- Restructuring trends in Thailand | Q2/2021
- Restructuring trends in Thailand | Q1/2021
- Restructuring trends in Thailand | Q4/2020
- Restructuring trends in Thailand | Q3/2020
Restructuring Insights
Latest issue
- How to identify risks and foster resilience in times of distress
- KPMG Financial Performance Index (FPI)
- กระบวนการฟื้นฟูกิจการในประเทศไทย (Thai version)
- The business rehabilitation process in Thailand (English version)
- Practical steps to think about when discussing with your lenders
- The end of the debt moratorium - Five steps to prepare your business
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