KPMG received an award from the Ministry of Labour for providing equal employment opportunities to the handicapped.
KPMG received an award from the Ministry of Labour....
The award was for providing equal employment opportunities to handicapped people from the three southern provinces of Thailand.
Tanate Kasemsarn, Advisory Partner represented KPMG in Thailand to receive recognition from M.L. Puntri Smiti, Thailand’s Permanent Secretary of Labour for providing equal employment opportunities to handicapped people from the three southern provinces of Thailand. The award ceremony was held on 9 June 2017 at the ‘Good Society Expo’ at Central World.
In her opening speech, M.L. Puntri mentioned that the Ministry of Labour is responsible for workforce management, which is a crucial element to national development. The ministry has strategies in place to ensure total employment, with quality welfare and protection with access to social security and skills development in preparation for the workforce. One of its importance missions is to eliminate inequality and to create income, employment and professions amongst the handicapped population. In the past, the ministry has accelerated efforts to promote employment for handicapped workers through integrative efforts with all relevant units from the public, private and social sectors, so that they can become self-sufficient and experience improved lives for themselves, their families and community.
KPMG in Thailand is proud to be part of the move to push forward equal opportunities for the people in Thailand.
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