The Changing Landscape of Disruptive Technologies
The Changing Landscape of Disruptive Technologies
Global technology innovation hubs: Forging new paths to outpace the competition
KPMG International and its network of member firms around the world recognizes the importance of innovation to the technology industry and the global economy as a whole. KPMG's publication series, The Changing Landscape of Disruptive Technologies, now in its sixth year, provides perspectives about tech innovation trends, top barriers to commercialize innovation and insights into tech innovation best practices.
The first part of this study, Global technology innovation hubs: Forging new paths to outpace the competition, unveils the cities and countries that are leading as top innovation hubs. The report captures technology innovation findings based on the views of 767 business executives globally from companies, venture capital firms and other investors that focus on tech. This publication also features the point of view of 16 KPMG professionals who are technology country industry leaders across North America, Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and Asia Pacific (ASPAC) to better assess each market's advantages and challenges.
Download the PDF below to learn more.
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