The digital age — the women’s era

The digital age — the women’s era

Results of a worldwide survey of nearly 700 female leaders

Andriy Tsymbal

Managing Partner

KPMG in Ukraine


Many studies show that gender diversity has a positive effect on corporate success. Mixed teams are more successful because they consider different experiences and perspectives.

The 2018 KPMG Global Female Leaders Outlook, reveals how global female leaders from 42 countries and territories assess future economic developments, the challenges of digitalisation and their personal career development.

Key findings include:

  • Growth
    77 percent of Global Female Leaders (GFLs) are satisfied with the growth outlook for their companies. Ninety-three percent of the respondents think that innovation processes and the implementation of innovations must be expanded in the next 3 years to enable further growth. For 45 percent of the GFLs, organic growth is at the top of the strategic agenda for the next 3 years.
  • Technology
    They are technology savvy. Almost half of those surveyed said that artificial intelligence, Blockchain, 3D printing and mixed reality are areas in which they feel comfortable. However, 53 percent of the female leaders think that artificial intelligence will destroy more jobs than it will create.
  • Data analysis
    GFLs use data analyses to make strategic decisions. Seventy-seven percent expect data and analytics to increase in importance.. Fifty-eight percent have made strategic decisions based on data-driven insights - rather than overlooking the data based on intuition over the last 3 years.
  • Customers
    They are customer-centric in their approach. Seventy-eight percent see protecting customer data as their biggest and most important responsibility in expanding their customer base. They also find networking and collaboration to be very important.


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