Legal Summary 10/2020
Legal Summary 10/2020
Decree whereby the overall alarm status declared for attending the coronavirus health emergency is further extended.
Decree whereby the overall alarm status declared for attending the coronavirus health emergency is further extended.
Decree number 4.186 was published in Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela N° 6.528 Extraordinary, dated April 12, 2020 whereby, the overall alarm status declared for adopting measures involving the protection and preservation of health of the Venezuelan population, and mitigating and eliminating epidemic risks of the coronavirus (COVID-19) (as established in Decree number 4.160 dated March 13, 2020 and published in Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela number 6.519 Extraordinary) is hereby extended for an additional thirty (30) day period.
- Consequently, it may be inferred that the measures adopted as a result of Decree number 4.160 will remain in place during this extension period, amongst which:
- Maintaining or ordering further circulation restrictions at certain geographic areas as well as for entering or leaving restricted zones, whenever this may be deemed necessary as a measure for protection against or containment of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
- Maintaining the suspension of employment activity for those job functions that cannot be undertaken via remote (home office), except for certain cases such as domestic public services companies, fuel and lubricants selling establishments, healthcare services, pharmacies, sellers of short-term expiry medication and medical supplies, carbon dioxide (dry ice), oxygen (whether gas or liquid intended for medical facilities), those engaged in activities involving the food distribution chain and availability, the National Port System, those activities relating to drinking water supply and transportation of gas for household use and fuels intended for supplying gas stations for land transportation, ports and airports.
- Maintaining the suspension of international flights into the Venezuelan territory or departing from the Venezuelan territory for as long as this suspension may be deemed convenient, or whenever there may be a risk of passengers or merchandise arrivals bearing the COVID-19 coronavirus, or whenever such transit may represent a potential risk for virus containment.
- Continuing with the implementation of “social and collective quarantine” nationwide, announced by the Executive.
- Continuing with the application of measures for rendering public and private online banking services.
- Continuing with the enforcement of mandatory use of protective mask in all types of public transportation, hospitals and public spaces.
- Continuing with the suspension of school and academic activity nationwide as of Monday, March 16 of 2020.
- Continuing with the suspension of public events, exhibitions, concerts, conferences, showrooms, sport events and any kind of public gatherings, nationwide.
Decree number 4.186 containing this 30-day extension, came in full force and effect as of the date of publication in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
For more information on Decree number 4.160 dated March 13, 2020, click here.
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