Legal Summary 20/2020
Legal Summary 20/2020
Decree whereby the overall Alarm Status for attending the Coronavirus health emergency is extended for 30 days.
Decree whereby the overall Alarm Status declared on May 12, 2020 for attending the (COVID-19) Coronavirus health emergency is extended for 30 days.
June 15, 2020
Decree number 4.230 was published in Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela N° 6.542 Extraordinary, dated June 11, 2020 whereby the term established in Decree number 4.198 dated May 12, 2020 published in Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela N° 6.535 is extended for 30 days in connection with the overall alarm status declared for the purposes of allowing the Executive to adopt urgent, effective and necessary measures involving the protection and preservation of health of the Venezuelan population, and mitigating and eliminating the epidemic risks of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
It follows from the above that the measures adopted in the Decree subject to extension will continue to be in force and effect, consequently, the Executive may order circulation restrictions at certain geographic areas, may suspend employment activity, order mandatory compliance of health measures in public spaces and urge the Public Administration at the national, state and municipal levels, both centralized and de-centralized, to provide any support in connection with the measures and implement all applicable plans and protocols according to their competencies for the purposes of preventing and controlling this health-related event, under the coordination corresponding to the National Executive.
Similarly, the concurring measures established in the event of contagion or suspected contagion are hereby ratified and, security enforcement public agencies are authorized to conduct any necessary inspections to any establishment, individual or vehicle if there are grounds to suspect any breaches to the provisions contained in this decree.
It is also deduced that the powers of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to issue other social, economic and health-related measures as deemed convenient in order to continue attending to the extraordinary and exceptional circumstance which is the subject matter of this decree, will continue to be in force and effect.
Finally, this decree became in force and effect as of the date of publication in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
For more information on Decree N° 4.198 dated May 12, 2020 please click on this link.
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