A self-proclaimed history nerd, Rob was always interested in the military. Growing up hearing stories about his grandfather’s time in the Navy, he was fascinated with the concept of service. “I had always wanted to do something that would challenge me and would be very different from a typical job.” Inspired by the dedication, discipline, and drive required, Rob joined the military in 2010 as a combat engineer. “Canada is my home and I love my country. It’s given me, my family and many others a great life with so many opportunities and I think that’s worth defending.”
Over the next 13 years, Rob pursued this passion, eventually becoming a commissioned officer and working his way up to the rank of Captain within the military intelligence branch. He did this while also growing his full-time career as a lawyer with a specialty in resolving tax disputes. “I was surprised to be drawn to Tax Law, it’s not where I saw myself, but I really like the intersectionality between law, public policy, economics and accounting.”
After graduation, Rob worked for the Department of Justice and the CRA before joining KPMG in Canada, where he helps clients resolve disputes with taxation authorities, evaluate opportunities and uncover ways to solve problems using skills he developed while in the military. “In the Armed Forces you are purposefully put into difficult situations where your decision-making skills are tried, and I believe these experiences have made me a better communicator and decision maker.” Rob often draws upon a military intelligence technique called ‘Red Teaming’ to examine a problem holistically, diving into all sides, to give clients a solution built on a full 360° analysis.
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Being in the military is a tangible way that Rob is able to serve his community, and his country, but it is not the only way. At KPMG, Rob takes pride in the work he does to support his clients. “I'm working with clients who are at the cutting edge of business, who are coming up with creative ideas to solve complex problems. Being a part of that and helping them achieve their goals is what makes my work at KPMG meaningful to me.” While to some his role as a lawyer at KPMG and his role as a military intelligence officer in the Canadian Armed Forces might seem like worlds apart, it’s not to Rob. For him it’s all about service – whether to his country or to the clients he gets to work with every day.
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