Laura Kerr

Senior Associate, Estates & Trusts


KPMG in Canada

Since her call to the Bar in 1998, Laura has practiced almost exclusively in the areas of Wills, Powers of Attorney, trusts, estate administration and incapacity law.  She has a particular interest in probate planning, personal income tax planning, and Henson trusts and other planning for beneficiaries with special needs.  Laura applies a sensitive and collaborative approach in identifying her clients’ concerns and creating practical and flexible solutions to preserve wealth and family harmony.  After death or incapacity, Laura advises executors, trustees, attorneys for property, attorneys for personal care and beneficiaries on their rights and obligations and assists executors in navigating the administration of an estate from death through probate to distribution.

Laura is a past instructor and exam writer for the Bar Admission Course, and a speaker at programs presented by the Law Society of Ontario, Osgoode Hall Professional Development, the County of Carleton Law Association and the Society of Trusts and Estates Practitioners.

  • B.A. Hons, Carleton University, 1992 (Senate Medal)

  • LLB, Osgoode Hall Law School, 1996

  • Called to the Ontario Bar, 1998