We hope that you will find KPMG’s Tax Technical Update useful and we welcome the opportunity to further discuss the issues presented and their impacts on your business.
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February | Corporate Update: New Mandatory Qualification Requirements for HR and Administration Personnel in Cambodia | |
February | Corporate Update: MoE Enforces Ban on Combustion of Textile and Industrial Waste | |
January | Corporate Update: Cambodia E-Visa Fee Reductions and Streamlined Process (Effective January 1, 2025) |
Month | Technical & Corporate Update | |
December | Technical Update: New Rules and Procedures for Division of Income and Expense between Related Parties | |
November | Technical Update: (1) Extension of Incentives for Voluntary Amendment of Tax Declarations, (2) Continuation and Additions of Tax Incentives for the Real Estate Sector, (3) Stamp Duty (SD) , (4) Prakas on Tax on Salary (“ToS”) | |
October | Technical Update: Annual Tax, Accounting, Labor, and Regulatory Compliance Reminders | |
October | Technical Update: (1) Implementation of Fiscal Obligations for Real Estate Leases (2) Procedures of Cessation of Business (3) Reduction of Withholding Tax (WHT) and Specific Tax (ST) for Airline Companies | |
October | Corporate Update: New Minimum Wage for the Textile, Garment, Footwear, Travel Goods, and Bag Sectors for 2025 | |
September | Corporate Update: Customs Update: New Procedures for Postal & Express Consignments | |
September | Corporate Update: Apply for 2025 Foreign Manpower Quota by November | |
September | Corporate Update: Update on Cambodian National Single Window (CNSW): Recent Developments and Integration Status | |
August | Technical Update: The Establishment of a Special Tax Audit Unit, Implementation of Sub-Decree on the Tax Incentives for Informal Economic Development | |
June | Technical Update: Tax on Income (ToI) Incentives for Expanded Qualified Investment Projects (EQIPs), Minimum Tax Exemption for Qualified Investment Projects | |
May | Corporate Update: Measures to Reduce Requirements for the Use of Khmer Language in Accounting Records and Accounting Supporting Documents | |
May | Corporate Update: New Government Incentives for Information and Broadcasting Sector Businesses | |
May | Technical Update: GDT e-Administration Application and Tax Incentives for Education Sector | |
May | Technical Update: (1) Public Lighting Tax (2) VAT Patent and (3) Salary Threshold | |
May | Corporate Update: Updated List of Prohibited and Restricted Goods | |
March | Corporate Update: MEF - Revision of Guidelines for Goods Identification and Inspection Procedures | |
February | Technical Update: Incentives for Voluntary Amendment of Tax Declarations, Market Interest Rate Loans in 2023 | |
February |
Technical Update: (1) Exemptions, reliefs, delay, and suspension of tax(es) applicable to the real estate sector, (2) Incentives under the Double Taxation Agreement (DTA), (3) Procedures for online amendment of the monthly tax declaration | |
January | Corporate Update: Contribution and Implementation Date of the Voluntary Contribution Health Care Social Security Scheme for Self-Employed and Dependents of NSSF Members | |
January | Corporate Update: Labour–Renewal of Foreign Work Permits for the year 2024 and Provision of Foreign Work Permits to Foreign Employers | |
January | Technical Update: Annual Tax, Accounting, Labor, and Regulatory Compliance Reminders | |
January | Corporate Update: Ministry of Economy and Finance (MoEF) – Prakas No. 788 on the Procedure of Pre-Arrival Processing ("Prakas”) |
Month | Technical & Corporate Update | |
December | Technical Update: Implementation of the Effective Date of Notification Letters or Other Notices by the GDT | |
December |
Corporate Update: Encouragement to Enterprises to Comply with their Accounting and Auditing Obligations | |
November |
Technical Update: Tax Calculation for Locally Produced Non-Alcoholic Beverages | |
October | Corporate Update: New Minimum Wage for the Textile, Garment, Footwear, Travel Goods and Bags Sectors for the Year 2024 | |
October | Technical Update: Public Lighting Tax, Advertisement Tax | |
September |
Technical Update: Strengthening the Implementation of Procedures for the Use of Commercial Invoices | |
September |
Corporate Update: Application for Foreign Manpower Quota for 2024 | |
September | Technical Update: Procedures for Requesting VAT Input Credits and VAT Refund | |
August | Technical Update: Amendment of Specific Tax (ST) Rates on Locally Produced Non-alcoholic Beverages | |
August | Technical Update: Implementation of VAT on the Imported Cigarettes | |
August | Corporate Update: Sub Decree No. 139 ANK.BrK dated 26 June 2023 on the Implementation of the Law on Investmen | |
July | Corporate Update: Customs Tariffs- Sub Decree on the adjustments of Customs Duty and Specific Tax Rates on Certain Goods | |
June | Technical Update: Exemption of Immovable Property Tax in Kampong Speu, Kandal, and Kampot | |
June | Technical Update: Law on Taxation 2023 | |
April | Technical Update: Additional Guidelines on the Implementation of Withholding Tax | |
March | Technical Update: Procedures for financial fines for violation of Competition Law | |
February | Technical Update: Amendment on the Implementation of VAT on E-commerce & Updated Procedures for Temporary Suspension or Resumption of Business Activities, and Measures on Suspension of VAT Certificate | |
January | Technical Update: E-Documents Submission system is nolonger available for Monthly and Annual Tax on Income (ToI) Declarations | |
January | Technical Update: Implementation on New Taxable Salary Thresholds | |
January | Technical Update: Implementation of Advanced Tax onDividend Distribution | |
January | Technical Update: 2022 and 2023 Annual Tax, Corporate,and Accounting Compliance Obligations |
December | Corporate Update: Extension of Deadline to Request the 2023 Foreign Manpower Quota (FMQ) | |
October | Technical Update: Use of Exchange Rates for Self-Assessment Regime Taxpayers | |
October | Corporate Update: Application for Foreign Manpower Quota for 2023 | |
September | Technical Update: New annual taxable income and monthly taxable salary thresholds for individuals | |
August | Technical Update: Royal Government’s Relief Measures to Support the Tourism Sector | |
July | Technical Update: Enterprise Visit in Phnom Penh | |
July | Corporate Update: Labour – Social Security Scheme on Pension for Persons under the Provisions of Cambodian Labour Law | |
July | Corporate Update: Food Safety Law | |
July | Corporate Update: Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT) and Ministry of Economy and Finance (MoEF) – Joint Prakas No. 165/22, dated 28 June 2022, on the Implementation of Social Security Scheme on Pension for Persons under the Provisions of Cambodian Labour Law | |
July | Technical Update: Additional Guidelines for Implementation of VAT on Tangible Fixed Assets (FA) | |
June | Technical Update: Supporting Documents for Interest on Loan Between Related Parties | |
June | Technical Update: Use of Exchange Rates for Self-Assessment Regime Taxpayers | |
June | Corporate Update: Obligation for enterprises to register a National Domain “.com.kh” and to use a National Domain email address when filing their Annual Declaration of Commercial Enterprise (ADCE) | |
June | Corporate Update: Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT) – Notification No. 022/22 dated 27 May 2022 on Implementation of Online Self-Declared Labour Inspection | |
June | Corporate Update: Announcement on permissible days-off for the Commune/Sangkat Council Election | |
May | Technical Update: The Implementation of Value Added Tax (VAT) Reverse Charge Mechanism under E-Filing | |
April | Technical Update: Tax Incentives for Voluntary Tax Return Adjustment, Tax Incentives on the Securities Sector | |
April | Corporate Update: Law on Amendment of the Law on Commercial Rules and Register | |
April | Corporate Update: Law on the Amendment of the Law on Commercial Enterprise | |
April | Corporate Update: Competition Law Enacted | |
April | Corporate Update: Notice on Prevention of the Diversion of Regulated Chemicals for Illegal Use | |
February | Technical Update: Royal Government’s Relief Measures to Support the Important Sectors | |
January | Corporate Update: Amendment of Cambodian Labour Law in 2021 | |
January | Corporate Update: Reminder on the Circular on the use of language and currency in accounting records and financial statements |
December | Technical Update: Implementation of Value Added Tax (VAT) on Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) Transactions | |
December | Coprorate Update: Implementation of Inspection of Imported New Vehicles for Safety Standards, Extension of Deadline to Request for Foreign Manpower Quota (FMQ) for the Year 2022 | |
December | Corporate Update: Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) – Law on Investment No. NS/RKM/1021/014 dated 15 October 2021 (“LoI”) | |
December | Corporate Update: Minimum Wage (Prakas No. 264/21 dated 28 September 2021) | |
October | Technical Update: Tax on Salary (MEF Prakas no. 543 MEF.Prk, dated 8 September 2021) | |
September | Corporate Update: Environment - Prakas on procedure and implementation guidelines for the preparation of an initial environmental and social impact assessment for all kinds of construction | |
September | Corporate Update: NSW and LACMS government systems | |
August | Corporate Update: Commerce - Announcement on Authorisation to a Representative or an Agent for Business Registration | |
August | Corporate Update: Commerce - Prakas on the Naming Convention of Legal Forms of Enterprises | |
July | Corporate Update: The Provision of E-Commerce Permit or License, Fines under the Competency of the Ministry of Commerce (MoC), and the New Public Service Fees under the MoC | |
May | Technical Update: Labor-Pension Schemes for Persons under the Provision of Labor Law | |
April | Technical Update: Implementation of VAT on Electronic Commerce | |
April | Technical Update: (a) Introduction of E-Documents Submission System (b) Extension of March Monthly Tax Return Declaration | |
March | Corporate Update: Labour- Extension to the Deadline for the Renewal of Foreign Work Permits for the year 2021 | |
March | Corporate Update: Resume seniority payment schedule for manufacturing sector | |
February | Corporate Update: Prakas 040-190121 - Procedure of Establishment and Operation of Rubber and Rubber Tree Industry | |
February | Technical Update: (a) 2020 Tax on Income declaration (b) Classification of Taxpayers Under the Self-Assessment Regime (c) Instruction to implement the Royal Government’s 7th round of tax relief | |
January | Technical Update: (a)Law on Financial Management for year 2021 (b)Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation - Cambodia & Malaysia | |
January | Corporate Update: Labour - Extension of Deadline to Request for Foreign Manpower Quota (FMQ) for the year 2021 |
December | Technical Update: Cessation of E-VAT Refund System | |
October | Technical Update: Delay of Capital Gains Tax | |
October | Corporate Update: (1) Labor – New Corporate Bank with the NSSF for Contribution Payment Method; (2) Construction - Application for a Certificate of Occupancy for Constructed Buildings | |
October | Corporate Update: Commerce - Name Reservation of Company or Enterprise & Granting E-Commerce Licence or Permit to Intermediaries and E-Commerce Service Providers and Exemptions | |
September | Corporate Update: Instruction on company merger, company or share acquisition or creating security rights defined in permits, certificates or licenses and updating the information of telecommunications operators’ management (focal person). | |
September | Technical Update: Delay of E Filing Implementation | |
September | Corporate Uppdate: (1) Labor - Regulations on Minimum Wage for Workers in the Textile, Garment and Footwear Sector for 2021; (2) Royal Code (Kram) - Law on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism | |
September | Corporate Update: Health - Revision of Entry Requirements for Foreign Travelers to Cambodia | |
September | Technical Update: Capital Gains Tax | |
August | Technical Update: Tax registration and update of taxpayer's information | |
August | Corporate Update: Health - Temporary suspension of flights from Malaysia and Indonesia from 1 August 2020 | |
July | Corporate Update: (1) Labor - Holidays on 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 August 2020 to Compensate for the Khmer New Year Holidays; (2) Labor - Inter-ministerial inspections for the tourism industry | |
July | Technical Update: (1) Application to Obtain Certificate of Tax Incentives for SME; (2) Withholding Tax (WHT) on Interest for Loan | |
July | Corporate Update: Entry requirements and quarantine measures in response to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic | |
July | Corporate Update: Implementation of additional measures of the Royal Government for the exemption of the fees for the renewal of all types of tourism licenses for the year 2021 | |
June | Corporate Update: Schedule of Minimum Wage negotiations in the textile, garment and footwear sector for the year 2021 | |
June | Corporate Update: Business registration via information technology system | |
June | Technical Update: VAT on Long-Term Tangible Asset Sales | |
June | Technical Update: Delay of E-Filing | |
June | Corporate Update: (1) Royal Code (Kram) – State of Emergency Law; (2) Health – Translation into the Khmer language of all packages and labels of food products | |
June | Corporate Update: Labor – Notification on the postponement of back pay of seniority payment before the year 2019 and the new seniority payment in the year 2020 | |
June | Technical Update: Further government Tax reliefs | |
May | Corporate Update: (1) Labor – Inspections for the manufacturing sector; (2) Tourism – Additional measures for the tourism sector; (3) Labor – Suspension of employment contracts and NSSF contribution payment for garment and tourism sectors ; (4) NSSF – Contribution Payments for Educational Institutions | |
May | Technical Update: WHT incentives for securities investors | |
May | Corporate Update: Travel and Immigration – (1) Travel Ban into Cambodia for Foreigners; (2)FPCS system for Visa Extensions and Trade and Customs – (1) Export of Masks; (2) Update of Certificate of Origin Form | |
April | Technical Update: Seniority Indemnity and FBT on loan to employees | |
April | Technical Update: Additional government Tax relief measures | |
April | Technical Update: (1) Labor- how to calculate the seniority payment for permanent workers or employees who have performed work from one (1) to six (6) months in each semester; (2) Labor- how to calculate employment seniority in order to determine the prior notice periods for the employment contract termination if employment contracts have been converted from Fixed Duration Contracts (“FDCs”) to Undetermined Duration Contracts (“UDCs”); (3) Labor- the calculation of proportional annual leave for employees or workers who perform work less than twenty-one (21) days per month | |
April | Corporate Update: Customs – List of Prohibited and Restricted Goods, Commerce - Amendment to Public Service Fees of the Ministry of Commerce (MoC) | |
April | Technical Update: Labor – Identification of Labor Contractors (Sub-Contractors) | |
April | Technical Update: Labor – Waiver of Financial Penalties for the Renewal of Foreigner Work Permits for the Year 2020 until further notice | |
April | Technical Update: Labor – Notification on the Postponement of the Khmer New Year Holidays for the year 2020 | |
April | Technical Update: Tourism - Tourism Licenses for Tour Operators, Travel Agents and Branches | |
March | Technical Update: Labor – URGENT Requirements for Updating Contact Phone Numbers of Employees/Workers | |
March | Technical Update: Labor – Instruction on the Implementation of Compensatory Special Leave | |
March | Technical Update: Intellectual Property – Recordal of Mark License Agreement and Franchise Agreement | |
March | Technical Update: Investment – Implementation of Cambodian National Single Window (CNSW) Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) – Notification No. 481/20 dated 7 February 2020 on the implementation of the CNSW for Master List applications | |
March | Technical Update: Measures to Support the Tourism and Garment Sectors and to Improve the Economy; and VAT state-charge for Basic Daily Food | |
February | Corporate Update: Environment – Classification of Environmental Impact Assessments for development projects | |
February | Technical Update: Prakas No. 159 Prk on Instruction on Tax Incentives for SMEs in the Priority Sector and Sub-Decree No. 09 SD.Prk on Threshold of Annual Taxable Income and Threshold of Monthly Taxable Salary | |
February | Technical Update: Prakas No. 098 MEF Prk. dated 29 January 2020 on Tax on Income | |
February | Technical Update: Notification No. 3218 GDT on Implementation of the Prakas No.723 Prk. on the Rule for Use of Invoices and Instruction No. 3033 on Registration for SBAA and NGO | |
January | Corporate Update: Construction – Occupancy Certificates for Constructions built prior to the Construction Law | |
January | Technical Update: Amend Basis for Specific Tax on Certain Merchandise for Locally Produced Goods | |
January | Technial Update: The Law on Financial Management for year 2020 and The use of exchange rate following Instruction 27617 |
November | Corporate Update(Vol.1): New Minimum Wage for Textile, Garment and Foodwear Sectors for the year 2020 | |
November | Corporate Update (Vol.3): Law on Social Security Schemes | |
September | Corporate Update: Finance and Banking - Public Statement on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) | |
August | Corporate Update: Implementation of National Single Window system and live implementation of ASEAN | |
June | Corporate Update: Duration of Fixed Duration Contract and Probationary Period | |
May | Corporate Update(Vol.3): Monthly production Report to the Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts and Licensing of GDP | |
May | Corporate Update(Vol.2): Provision of some labor compliance services under the Sub-National Administration and Update on Back Pay of Seniority Payment | |
May | Corporate Update(Vol.1): Investment and Trade - Reforms announced at the 18th Government-Private Sector Forum (G-PSF) and Investment - Investment Incentives for Expansion of QIP |
April | Tax and Corporate Update: New Public Holiday on the 20th of May, Extension of deadline to renew foreign work permit until 30 April 2018 | |
February | Tax and Corporate Update: New directions for 2018 from the Department of Business Registration (DBR) of the Ministry of Commerce (MoC) and Adjustments to customs and excise rates | |
January | Tax and Corporate Update: Public service fees of the Ministry of Commerce (MoC) for the year 2018 |
August | Technical Update: Tax and Corporate Services | |
October | Technical Update: New Minimum Wage for Textile, Garment and Footwear Manufacturing Sectors for the year 2017 |
Tan Mona
Partner, Head of Corporate Tax
KPMG Cambodia Ltd
+855 17 666 537 Tan
Phone number
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