Your career progression

Your career progression

Your professional development is vital for us

Your professional development is vital for us

Man rockclimbing helmet

Your success and professional development is vital for us. In order to become and remain the highly qualified professionals our clients are looking for, we are committed to building our learning culture at KPMG Luxembourg. Through the use of technologies and third-party resources, we can provide you with the training and support you need to excel in your area of expertise.

From the beginning of your career at KPMG, you’ll have a professional development plan based on the following key aspects:

  • Future development - Focus on your future development alongside past performance in your current role
  • Coaching – The coaching relationship between you and your performance manager which helps you reach your full potential
  • Goal alignment – The importance of understanding where you make your contribution to the firm and your business area’s strategy
  • Continuous feedback – Feedback provided regularly and on-the-spot
  • Documentation – Receive a precise summary of career conversations rather than a word-for-word account
  • Fairness – Clarity on how you will be appraised and how we ensure the fairness of this process