An organisation that has removed functional silos, internal divisions and other partitions. An organisation in which processes are optimally connected to each other – and which connects itself to others – based on an unambiguous focus on the customer. And with the people, the organisation and the technology that make such a focus possible. That is the Connected Enterprise. KPMG can help you build it, using a concrete approach.

What you can do to accelerate the digitalisation of your organisation

Although the expectations of customers are constantly increasing and changing, and the technological possibilities to meet these expectations are growing, we find that many organisations are a few steps behind in realising their ambitions in digital transformation. Often, these are the steps that the entire organisation must take in the change process, the steps that make it possible for the entire organisation to benefit from the new possibilities and opportunities of digitalisation. Delaying or omitting these steps can therefore be detrimental to your organisation.

When it comes to digitalisation, one single perspective is still too-often dominant. The technological perspective, for example, or the marketing perspective, or the financial perspective. In KPMG's view, digital transformation has many dimensions and if all of these dimensions are not addressed during the transformation process, the construction will have holes in it while it is still being built. In that case, it will quickly become clear that addressing all of them from the start is crucial to ensure a solid foundation. If any of these fundamental building blocks are neglected during the construction phase, the entire structure is at risk of failure.

What is the right approach for the digitization of your organisation?

Connected is the approach that KPMG has developed to accommodate this diversity. In terms of content, this approach is based on extensive global research by Forrester Consulting into the factors that determine the quality of the customer experience. Eight competencies proved to be decisive. The extent to which an organisation possesses these competencies and invests in (further) improving them determines the success of the customer experience-oriented and sector-specific digital transformation. The Forrester research shows that organisations with a high level of maturity with regard to these competencies have twice the chance of success.

The eight competences of the Connected Enterprise

Eight capabilities, for twice the impact

The most successful organisations invest in eight capabilities which span all areas of the customer experience. This ensures a connected organisation that goes beyond cross-channel interactions.

Those that invest in all eight capabilities are twice as likely to meet customer expectations, achieve objectives and deliver return on investment.

Click on a capability box to discover more.

Capability Maturity Assessment

See how your enterprise compares to others in your industry. Take this assessment to rank your performance against benchmarks across eight fundamental capabilities. 

The eight competencies interlock, need each other, influence each other and reinforce each other. Collectively, they are the driving force that accelerates your digital transformation and keeps it going. Profound changes of the kind brought about by a digital transformation are always a combination of strategy and implementation, and of people and technology.

In order to implement these eight competencies effectively, we can assist you strategically, technically and organisationally with the following services, which are closely connected.

Connected. Powered. Trusted. and Elevate

Connected. Powered. Trusted. and Elevate is the KPMG approach with business transformation solutions that help clients get to a more productive and sustainable future. The solutions are designed to address different client challenges and different parts of a business or a operating model. Each one contains rich insights and is underpinned by our leading methodology and advanced technology.

KPMG digital transformation suite

T r a n s f o r m a t i o n J o u r n e y Rebuild your business, end to end, around your customers. Connected Drive outcome- driven functional transformation. Powered Build and sustain the trust of your stakeholders. Trusted Scalable Managed Services E l e v a t e U n l o c k fi n a n c i a l v a l u e q u i c k l y a n d c o n d e n t l y .
Rebuild your business, end to end, around your customers. Connected Drive outcome- driven functional transformation. Powered Build and sustain the trust of your stakeholders. Trusted T r a n s f o r m a t i o n J o u r n e y Scalable Managed Services E l e v a t e U n l o c k fi n a n c i a l v a l u e q u i c k l y a n d c o n d e n t l y .

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