Climate disclosures are complex and challenging, and it will take time for organisations to fully embed the required changes to maximise the opportunities they present. Year 2 requirements will go even deeper and expect more.

We’ve developed this podbite and webinar series to help you get the right structures and processes in place to ensure that the next steps – quantification of financial impacts and transition planning – are focused on areas of strategic importance for your organisation.

Each short pod 'bite' episode features experienced professionals who are working on these important issues with businesses around Aotearoa New Zealand. The intersecting webinars are an opportunity for us to come together virtually and explore the key themes a little deeper and contribute to this important korero.

    Subscribe to the series:

    New podbite episodes will be added weekly and also shared on LinkedIn - follow KPMG New Zealand to get the latest episodes.

    To recieve an invite to the webinar series, sign up to our IMPACT insights and news using the link below.

Latest episode

Podbite Episode 10: Making an impact

In our final episode of KPMG’s Climate-related Disclosures podbite series, Sanel Tomlinson shares how you can finish strong and make an impact through your Year 2 report.

All episodes

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