

Attitudes to tax are changing. Organizations of all sizes are ever more exposed to new trends in tax regulation, not just locally but globally.

Attitudes to tax are changing. Organizations of all sizes are ever more exposed...

KPMG is at the forefront of an evolving tax landscape

As a leading tax network, we believe that we – as individual tax professionals and as member firms – have a duty to engage in the discussion and debate surrounding Tax Transparency and Responsibility. As the tax strategies of multinationals and domestic companies continue to be examined by both tax authorities and the public alike, we work with our clients to develop tax strategies that are fit for purpose in the tax system of tomorrow.

We adopt a multi-disciplinary approach, calling on KPMG professionals in complementary areas such as technical accounting and regulatory and risk management. These resources can be tapped on a local, regional, or global basis. KPMG’s powerful internal knowledge sharing systems mean our tax professionals are up to date on all the relevant technical and industry developments, locally and globally. 

How we can help your business

Whether your tax issues involve income taxes, transfer pricing, indirect taxes or other taxes, KPMG can help. Our network of professionals has a deep understanding, based on practical experience, of how best to approach resolution of large, complex tax disputes, including multijurisdictional issues. KPMG can assist in achieving certainty on disputed tax issues quickly and efficiently and in a way that can help build an effective and respectful relationship with the tax authorities.

Discussions with clients and our own experience of the industry have shown that the most important tax issues potentially facing financial institutions include:

  • transfer pricing
  • indirect taxpreparation of tax returns
  • complex tax challenges associated with mergers and acquisitions
  • Locally and across our global network we have tax professionals in tax complaince and advisory who work exclusively with our firms' clients.

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