Nadia has 32 years audit and accounting experience, more than 25 of which have been post qualification with KPMG specialising in Pensions Assurance. Nadia is responsible for the overall delivery of the pension audit services to over 20 audit clients. Nadia’s experience includes:
- Providing audit services as a Partner and reporting audit findings at Trustee/ Audit Committee meetings.
- Coordinating high performing audit teams nationally.
- Coordinating risk management exercises such as workshops for her clients and reporting the findings.
- Providing advice on scheme governance for both defined benefit and defined contribution schemes.
- Reviewing complex and hard to value investment portfolios including OTC derivatives, private equity, longevity swaps and special purpose funding vehicles.
- Nadia leads the pensions assurance practice in the UK and is the UK representative on the International Pensions Liaison Team
- Nadia is also leading the development of our Pensions Centre of Excellence which carries out the pensions specific audit work for KPMG’s corporate clients
- Nadia regularly lectures on internal and external industry specific training courses.