Nicholas Fox

Nicholas Fox

Partner, Head of Government (Justice)

KPMG in the UK

Nicholas is a Partner with KPMG in the UK’s Public Sector Management Consulting business.

Nicholas is KPMG in the UK’s Head of the Government practice and leads the UK’s Justice and Policing team. He is also a member of KPMG International’s Global Government leadership team. Having worked in this sector for more than 18 years, he enjoys the challenge of working with clients to solve difficult public service issues.

For the past 10 years Nicholas has lead major reform programmes with the Home Office, Ministry of Justice and most of the police forces in the UK. He has developed extensive experience across many parts of government, from policy and strategy through to operations. Ensuring effective, ongoing delivery is at the heart of everything he leads.

Originally trained as an engineer, Nicholas has considerable experience in diverse sectors such as oil, gas and defence.

  1. Areas of expertise



    Government and Public Sector

    IT Management

    Industry solutions

    Justice and Security

    Operating Effectiveness

    IT Management and Operating effectiveness

    Industry solutions

  2. Education & qualification

    B.Eng (Hons) Manufacturing Systems Engineering