Financial Reporting Solutions

Gain independent and robust valuations which can withstand regulator, tax authority and auditor scrutiny, as you focus on fair value accounting.

Comprehensive valuation solutions for your business

Today, with an increasing focus on fair value accounting, companies face many valuation related issues. These issues include assessing fair value of goodwill and intangible assets arising from an acquisition, impairment of tangible and intangible assets, fair value of illiquid assets on the balance sheet, implementation of IFRS 16, internal reorganisation and transfer. Thus, it becomes important to seek independent and robust valuations which can withstand regulator, tax authority and auditor scrutiny.

How we can help

Our valuations team has significant technical and commercial experience across many sectors to provide valuations for financial reporting purposes under IFRS (including valuations under IFRS 2, IFRS 3, IFRS 9, IFRS 13, IFRS 16, IAS 36 or IAS 38), UK GAAP or other local GAAP as required.

Our financial reporting solutions

With our range of solutions supported by thorough processes, businesses can gain reliable valuations for financial reporting purposes.

  1. The Purchase Price Allocations (PPA)

    Valuation of acquired tangible and intangible assets, and liabilities assumed in a pre-deal and post-deal environment. 

  2. Impairment testing

    Estimating fair value requires significant informed judgement. Our valuation specialists can assist in performing the annual impairment test by determining the Weighted Average Cost of Capital and the Value in Use for an asset (including investment in subsidiaries or associates) or Cash Generating Unit (CGU) and assessing the Fair Value Less Cost to Sell.

  3. IFRS 16 support

    Helping you navigate valuation pitfalls using compliant and pragmatic methodologies to determine incremental borrowing rates (IBRs) for new and modified leases.

  4. Real estate and tangible assets

    We utilise our accounting and business valuation expertise to provide a RICS and accouting standard compliant valuation.  

  5. Employee / management incentive scheme valuations

    Determine equity value and the fair value of share options granted to employees for IFRS 2 or FRS 102 reporting purposes.

  6. Valuation of illiquid investments

    We provide independent valuation to investment managers of illiquid assets. For further information, refer to PE/ Fund valuations page.

Our deal advisory insights

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