Michelle Adcock

Michelle Adcock

Banking prudential and ESG, EMA FS Regulatory Insight Centre

KPMG in the UK

Michelle is the Prudential Banking Sector Lead for the EMA Financial Services Regulatory Insight Centre (RIC). She has over 20 years’ experience in financial services working in banking, consulting and as a regulator. Michelle joined KPMG in October 2019 from the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) where she worked in Banking Supervision. Her main areas of focus were market risk, counterparty credit risk, operational risk and resilience, recovery and resolution and EU withdrawal planning. Prior to the PRA, Michelle held various roles, as a senior manager in the Equity Derivatives division of a global investment bank, then as consultant in KPMG’s Banking Risk practice. She also spent several years advising private and high net worth clients on investments, pensions and protection.

  1. Areas of expertise
    • Asset Management     
    • Financial Services    
    •  Pension Funds     
    • Wealth Asset Management    
    • Prudential Regulation     
    • Investment Banking     
    • Retail Banking            
    • Risk Management    
    • Operational Resilience     
    • Climate Risk
  2. Education & qualification
    • MA French and German – University of Oxford
