Dana R Chaput

Dana Chaput

Partner – Accounting Advisory Services

KPMG in Canada

Dana is a partner in our Toronto practice specializing in the provision of audit and accounting advisory services to financial institutions. Dana leads KPMG in Canada’s accounting advisory services relating to the adoption of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts as well as environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting. She also provides assurance services to a variety of clients, including financial statement audit and assurance services over sustainability-related metrics, including greenhouse gas emissions, financed emissions and other environmental and social governance metrics. As KPMG in Canada’s Insurance Accounting Change Leader, Dana represents KPMG in Canada on a number of industry working groups and global working groups, developing solutions for insurers adopting IFRS 17 and 9.

  1. Areas of expertise
    • Accounting Advisory Services
    • Advisory
    • Audit
    • Financial Statement Audit
    • Risk Consulting
  2. Education & qualification
    • Chartered Professional Accountant, Chartered Accountant (Canada)