Mr Mariano Lasarte

Financial Services, KPMG's ECB Office: Partner for Regulatory and Supervisory issues

KPMG in Spain

Mariano is focused on supervisory and regulatory areas related to the SSM, international regulation and the KPMG-ECB office. Mariano, as Bank Inspector over 10 years (currently leave of absence), held several positions in Bank of Spain: Secretary of the Bank of Spain´s Steering Committee for the Comprehensive Assessment, Internal coordinator for the SSM negotiations, and Internal coordinator for the European Banking Authority. In 2013 Mariano was selected by the European Central Bank as member of the “Workstream on Supervisory Model for the SSM”, and for one year he moved to live to Frankfurt as national seconded expert for the SSM creation. He has also an extensive experience on international committees, as he has participated in working groups at BCBS and EBA.

  1. Education and Qualifications
    Master Degree in Administration and Business Management at the Complutense University (CUNEF), Dissertation (tesina) and Doctorate Courses at the Department of Applied Economy and Economic History (European Union Programe), UNED University, Lecturer at Complutense University (CUNEF)
  2. Accreditations
    Inscribed in the Spanish Official Auditors´ Register