
Grant Wardell-Johnson

Global Tax Policy Leader and Chair of the Global Tax Policy Leadership Group

KPMG International

The constantly changing nature of tax and its fundamental role in society has kept Grant engaged and challenged by it for around 30 years. “Writing the KPMG submission to Treasury on tax reform in July 2015 was one of my proudest achievements,” he says. The paper was an accumulation of insights stemming from his previous roles as Lead Tax Partner, KPMG Economics & Tax Centre, and Co-chair ATO National Tax Liaison Group, as well as expertise in corporate tax and structured finance.

Grant held other key positions including Chair of the Tax Technical Committee of Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand, Member of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Treasury Advisory Group and Advisor to the Board of Taxation. Grant says he is driven by achieving domestic tax reform and striving for a fair, effective system.

He joined KPMG in 1987 and became partner in 1997. He has led a number of high profile IPOs, acquisitions and transactions for major multinational organisations. Grant undertook a 2-year placement at KPMG in London and was seconded to Qantas Airways as Head of Tax in 1997-2000.

He cites the “collegiate culture and diversity of opportunity at KPMG” as a career highlight. A fan of Shakespeare, Grant spends his time away from work enjoying the works of the great writer, and engages in philosophy classes to keep challenged.

  1. Areas of expertise
    • Base erosion and profit shifting
    • Business tax reform
    • Corporate Tax
    • International Tax
    • Public Policy and Regulatory Change
    • Tax
    • Tax planning
    • Tax regulation and compliance policies
    • Tax strategies
    • Tax transformation
  2. Education & qualification
    • Bachelor of Economics & Bachelor of Laws, University of Sydney

  3. Accreditations
    • Chartered Tax Advisor

    • Co-chair ATO National Tax Liaison Group (appointed until December 2016)

    • Chair of the Tax Technical Committee of Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand

    • Member of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Treasury Advisory Group

    • Advisor to the Board of Taxation

  4. Optional Details

    Professional involvement

    • Member of the Expert Panel to the Board of Tax Working Group on Hybrids

    • Assistant Treasurer appointment to the Part IVA Expert Panel from 2012 to 2013

    • Former member of the Corporate Tax Sub-committee of the Tax Institute

    • Former member of the Carbon Pricing Sub-committee of the Tax Institute

    • Former member of the NTLG Promoter Penalties Laws Sub-committee