The EU Deforestation-free regulation

Reaching compliance and securing business continuity.

The EU Deforestation-free Regulation (EUDR) entered into force in June 2023 and aims to reduce the EU’s dependency on – and consumption of – products that are linked to global deforestation and forest degradation. Transforming a market dominated by voluntary certification systems and company-specific initiatives, this regulation is a first-of-its-kind effort that aims to develop transparent and comparative information on the conditions of harvesting key commodities. 

The EUDR is part of a broader effort to reduce negative environmental impacts connected to supply chain activity, both within the EU and beyond its borders.  This report offers an in-depth look at the EUDR, the challenges in working towards compliance, and KPMG firms’ approach to guiding you through the EUDR.


The EU deforestation-free regulation (EUDR)

Reaching compliance and securing business continuity

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Peter Liddell

Global Sustainable Supply Chain Lead and Partner


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