A preliminary paper on the Bill amending the Act on healthcare services financed from public funds and certain other acts (“the bill”) was published on the website of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland.1 The draft legislation sets health insurance contribution rates for entrepreneurs depending on the taxation scheme they are subject to for settling their taxes.
Aimed to balance the tax burden and support business growth, the new regulation on health insurance contributions would impact the profitability of businesses in Poland. The proposed changes would alter the attractiveness of various taxation forms, particularly reducing the appeal of the lump-sum tax for those earning over PLN 50,000 monthly. Entrepreneurs using the tax scale and flat-tax scheme, on the other hand, will benefit from the adjustments.
Key Changes
The key changes proposed for each taxation scheme are summarised below:
1) For those settling their taxes under general rules, tax scale, or flat-tax scheme, the bill provides for:
a) a fixed, low contribution rate, amounting to 9 percent of 75 percent of the minimum wage – for entrepreneurs earning in a given month an income of up to 1.5 times the average wage in the enterprise sector in the fourth quarter of the previous year, profit payment included, as announced by the President of Statistics Poland;
b) an additional contribution of 4.9 percent on the excess over 1.5 times the average wage – for entrepreneurs with income exceeding the threshold of 1.5 times the average wage;
c) repeal of the possibility of accounting for contributions paid in income tax – in the case of taxpayers using the flat-tax scheme.
2) For those using the lump-sum tax on recorded revenue scheme, the bill provides for:
a) a fixed, low contribution rate, amounting to 9 percent of 75 percent of the minimum wage – for entrepreneurs earning in a given month a revenue of up to 3 times the average wage in the enterprise sector in the fourth quarter of the previous year, profit payment included, as announced by the President of Statistics Poland;
b) an additional contribution of 3.5 percent on the excess over 3 times the average wage – for entrepreneurs with revenue exceeding the threshold of 3 times the average wage;
c) repeal of the possibility of deducting the contributions paid from revenue for tax purposes.
3) For those paying the fixed-amount tax and associates of individuals conducting non-agricultural business activity, the bill provides for:
a) a fixed, low contribution rate, amounting to 9 percent of 75 percent of the minimum wage;
c) repeal of the possibility of deducting the contributions paid from the fixed amount tax.
At the same time, the possibility to deduct health insurance contributions paid from income tax will be repealed.
The new regulations on health insurance contributions in Poland can significantly impact the profitability and attractiveness of different tax forms for businesses. Entrepreneurs affected by these changes are encouraged to contact their qualified tax service provider or a member of the GMS/tax team with KPMG in Poland for assistance or any questions they may have (see the Contacts section).
1 See (in Polish): Projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy o świadczeniach opieki zdrowotnej finansowanych ze środków publicznych oraz niektórych innych ustaw.
Also, for additional information (in English and Polish) on the current situation, see this webpage: "What types of social insurance contributions an entrepreneur pays to the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)" on the gov.pl website.
More information
The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in Poland.
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