As of 1 January 2025, a new "additional solidarity contribution" (in Spanish: cuota de solidaridad or cotización adicional de solidaridad) has been introduced for remuneration exceeding the maximum contribution base in Spain.
Spanish Social Security contributions have been traditionally capped for both the employer and the employee at a maximum monthly contribution base that for 2025 has been set at EUR 4,909.50. That meant that any compensation received by an employee exceeding such maximum contribution base was not subject at all to Social Security contributions.
The new additional solidarity contribution applies starting 1 January 2025, to incomes over the monthly contribution base. This additional solidarity contribution will be applied progressively and will not generate additional pension rights. It will only apply to employed individuals and not, in general, to self-employed individuals. This was introduced by Royal Decree-Law 2/2023.1, 2, 3