GMS Flash Alert 2025-039

New Zealand – Changes to Active Investor Plus (AIP) Visa

GMS Flash Alert 2025-039 | 14 February 2025

In this GMS Flash Alert, we report on a host of significant changes to the Active Investor Plus (AIP) visa, announced by the New Zealand government this week.1  Set to take effect from 1 April 2025, the government is updating the AIP visa programme to incentivise migrants to invest in New Zealand.  

By introducing the "Growth" and "Balanced" investment categories, the New Zealand government aims to attract more investor migrants by offering tailored investment options that align with their risk preferences and investment capacities.

Economic Growth Minister, Nicola Willis, has shared the government’s motivation behind these changes: “Foreign investment has the potential to provide jobs for Kiwis, lift incomes by delivering new businesses and investing in existing ones.  We should be rolling out the welcome mat and encouraging investor migrants to choose New Zealand as a destination for their capital.”2


Active investment will be incentivised under the Growth category by reducing immigration requirements under this stream (such as time to be spent in New Zealand) as well as having a shorter three-year investment period, compared to the five-year period required for the Balanced category.

The significant changes to the Active Investor Plus visa in New Zealand, including the introduction of simplified investment categories and reduced immigration requirements, are expected to have a positive impact on foreign investment and economic growth in the country. 

Individuals interested in this type of visa will have less stringent requirements and processes to contend with as compared to previous policy under AIP. 

Context – Announcement by Prime Minister

This announcement aligns with New Zealand’s “Going for Growth” strategy, and coincides with Prime Minister Christopher Luxon’s announcement that 100 of the world’s high-profile investors, business leaders, and construction companies are expected to visit New Zealand in March for a global investment summit.3  “The Government is relentlessly focused on accelerating the growth New Zealand needs to lift our incomes, strengthen our businesses, and create opportunities for all Kiwis,” Mr Luxon said.

More Details

The changes will centre around the introduction of two simplified investment categories “Growth” and “Balanced,” replacing the current “weighted investment” approach.

Growth Category

The Growth category will focus on higher-risk investments, including direct investments and managed funds. It will retain the minimum investment requirement of $5 million over three years, with a residence requirement of at least 21 days in New Zealand over three years.  (All dollar figures are New Zealand dollars unless otherwise noted.)

Balanced Category

The Balanced category will focus on mixed investments, re-introducing lower-risk investment options.  The minimum investment amount for this category will be $10 million over five years, with an increased residence requirement of at least 105 days in New Zealand over five years.  However, investing more than the minimum investment amount into Growth category investments can reduce the residence requirement.

Other Information

Ongoing support will be provided to all investor-migrants under the AIP visa to integrate into New Zealand’s investment community and invest more actively over time.

Further details on the changes, and their impact on existing applicants or applications approved in principle, will be released in early March.


These changes are designed to make New Zealand a more attractive destination for foreign capital, which will support local business, increase job opportunities for New Zealanders, and promote economic growth.  By simplifying the investment process and reducing barriers for investor migrants, New Zealand is seeking to boost its economic development and strengthen its position as a competitive destination for global investors.  

For questions about eligibility and conditions, as well as next steps in terms of availing of the new AIP, please consult with a member of the KPMG New Zealand immigration team (see the Contacts section). 


1, the official website of the New Zealand Government, "Going for Growth: Unlocking investment in NZ" (9 February 2025).

2  Ibid. 

3, the official website of the New Zealand Government, "Going for growth: International investment summit to boost infrastructure and jobs" (10 February 2025).


*      *      *      *



NZ$1 = €0.545

NZ$1 = US$0.573

NZ$1 = £0.454

NZ$1 = A$0.90

NZ$1 = ¥87.16





Mark Wright

Principal Director

KPMG Australia

Georgina Haines

Senior Manager

KPMG Australia

More Information


* Please note the KPMG International member firm in the United States does not provide immigration or labour law services. However, KPMG Law LLP in Canada can assist clients with U.S. immigration matters.

**Please note also that the KPMG International member firm in Australia is currently providing New Zealand immigration services.

The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in Australia.

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