Deal Advisory – Mergers & Acquisitions Tax

Whether dealing with small-scale or large, cross-border transactions, understanding how effectively manage the challenges that may arise is crucial to success. KPMG Mergers & Acquisitions Tax professionals support tax leaders to help ensure better efficiency and compliance through the transaction lifecycle, seizing opportunities and mitigating risks, to ultimately drive value and achieve strategic objectives.


Our approach

KPMG member firms listen and work closely with you, combining professional expertise with deal knowledge and experience. KPMG professionals use all the technology and other resources at their disposal to help ensure effective collaboration, while building face-to face relationships with clients.​

 ​Our Deal Advisory and M&A Tax professionals leverage professionals from different service areas throughout KPMG’s global network to help clients understand processes, avoid pitfalls and seize opportunities related to deals.​

We understand the practical impacts of tax developments from one country to the next and when they spot opportunities, and know how to act on them to benefit organizations and their stakeholders.

Our services

  • Tax due diligence: identifying the tax exposure of a deal and how it may be mitigated, with a clear focus on risk assessment
  • Structuring an acquisition or disposition: advice on the tax consequences of individual acquisitions, joint ventures and divestments to help design tax-efficient deal structures
  • Contract assistance: helping the legal advisors in reviewing agreements to reduce the risk of unexpected tax exposures and help determine if tax issues arising from the due diligence report are  accurately represented
  • Tax modeling: assistance in modeling the tax effects of transactions, including assisting  in tracking the cash and non-cash steps in fund flow
  • Vendor assistance: preparation of vendor side documentation and tax advice on the tax implications of the sale of a business, including pre-deal reorganization measures and settlement of historic tax risks
  • Acquisition cost recovery analysis: analyzing associated deals (deduction versus depreciation) to help mitigate the after-tax deal costs
  • Post-deal integration: helping tax leaders reconcile their own tax positions and those of the acquired businesses as well as capturing the synergies.

Our insights

Fit for Pillar Two series

The Fit for Pillar Two series aims to help tax teams of multinational enterprises within the scope of Pillar Two prepare for the upcoming wave of international tax changes by putting theory into practice.

Navigating the forces of change in tax

Tax policy, artificial intelligence and talent

Inside global tax functions

Managing today and transforming for tomorrow.

Global tax reboot

Geopolitics, tax policy and society in flux

BEPS 2.0: state of play

An overview of Pillar Two implementation developments in jurisdictions around the world.

Of further interest

Mergers & Acquisition Tax

The mergers and acquisitions tax practice of KPMG in the US helps you unlock value and...

Tax Insights

Navigate the future of tax: pressing business issues and opportunities facing tax and business leaders today.

Our people

Christian Athanasoulas

Tax Practice Leader – Services, KPMG LLP, and Global Head of International Tax and M&A Tax

KPMG International

Throughout this webpage, “we”, “KPMG”, “us” and “our” refer to the network of independent member firms operating under the KPMG name and affiliated with KPMG International or to one or more of these firms or to KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm.

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KPMG combines our multi-disciplinary approach with deep, practical industry knowledge to help clients meet challenges and respond to opportunities. Connect with our team to start the conversation.

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