
Policy and Regulation Strategy

Helping you manage regulatory change in the energy industry.

We are a team of energy and natural resources policy, regulation and strategy experts. We typically work with regulated companies, investors, project developers, Government and regulators to:

  • Advise on how to respond to changes in markets, policy, regulation or legislation
  • Achieve good outcomes from regulatory reviews and funding submissions and deliver value for investors in sector deals
  • Develop strategy, policy and projects in support of Net Zero ambitions
  • Meet regulatory requirements and comply with ESG standards.
Duncan Michie

Director, Energy & Natural Resources

KPMG in the UK

How we can support you

Some examples of areas our team can support you on are:

People in conversationj at a table
  1. Economic and Commercial Analysis
  2. Risk Management
  3. Financial Modelling, Fair Valuation and Accounting
  4. Regulatory and Policy Support
  5. Deals/Negotiation Support
  6. Project Management

Regulatory calendar

Having a clear view of upcoming regulatory and policy milestones, announcements and publications are a key part of the planning cycles for organisations in the energy and natural resources sector. To support you with this forward-look, we have developed a Regulatory Calendar which tracks key upcoming decisions, consultations and publications in some of the key sectors we are able to support on.

Regulatory calendar

Please click here to access the regulatory calendar.


Our energy insights

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Connect with us

KPMG combines our multi-disciplinary approach with deep, practical industry knowledge to help clients meet challenges and respond to opportunities. Connect with our team to start the conversation.

Three business people talking whilst walking outside next to steps