Blueprint for Intelligent Economies

AI Competitiveness through Regional Collaboration
This report, presented at the WEF Annual Meeting 2025, explains how governments, enterprises, academia and civil society can collaborate with the aim of ensuring that AI-driven growth is inclusive.
woman with holograms

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to fuel the Fourth Industrial Revolution, drive economic growth and spur innovation across all industries and societies. This report, presented at the WEF Annual Meeting 2025, explains how governments, enterprises, academia and civil society can collaborate with the aim of ensuring that AI-driven growth is inclusive.

While the promise of AI is becoming a reality in certain locations, many countries and territories that have limited access to energy-intensive AI infrastructure, advanced computing capability, high-quality data and AI skills could risk missing out on the potential economic and societal benefits promised by age of intelligence.

In 2024, the AI Governance Alliance, part of the World Economic Forum’s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR), introduced the AI Competitiveness through Regional Collaboration Initiative to promote a holistic approach to creating more equitable and responsible AI economies and societies.

At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2025, attendees were presented with the Blueprint for Intelligent Economies. The report, developed in association with KPMG International, offers a preliminary outline of the capabilities that governments, enterprises, academia and wider civic society will require to achieve a successful AI revolution.

The Blueprint for Intelligent Economies outlines a framework for strategic decision-making, providing common terminology and objectives that can be used to shape collaborative action. It offers guidance for countries, territories and regions at any level of digital and AI maturity.

The Blueprint for Intelligent Economies aims to foster prosperous, inclusive, secure and sustainable intelligence-driven economies, while mitigating the widening gap in access to AI technologies through collaborative action.

Adrian Clamp

Global Head of Connected Enterprise

KPMG International

The layers of the blueprint are designed to work together in a logical architecture to harness the power of AI and other emerging technologies to create innovative intelligent economies. Beneath each of the three layers are a set of nine strategic objectives to focus the collaboration required by key stakeholders.

View the full blueprint

Explore the nine strategic objectives underpinning the framework. 

This report finds that close collaboration between national and regional governments, global AI leaders, enterprises, small businesses, academia, civil society and end-users is essential for creating initiatives and tech solutions that can address local needs, as well as fostering the growth of domestic AI innovators.

KPMG International and the WEF’s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution invite you to explore this blueprint and to participate in the next phase of our work focused on regional challenges.

Contact your local KPMG member firm today to discuss the implications and opportunities presented in this report.


The Blueprint for Intelligent Economies was published by the World Economic Forum as a contribution to a project, insight area or interaction. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed herein are a result of a collaborative process facilitated and endorsed by the World Economic Forum but whose results do not necessarily represent the views of the World Economic Forum, nor the entirety of its Members, Partners, or other stakeholders.

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Adrian Clamp

Global Head of Connected Enterprise

KPMG International

Brenda Walker

Partner, Global Head of Government

KPMG International

Dean Grandy

Global Digital Government Leader

KPMG Australia

Nichole Williams

Director, Global Government Digital Transformation Hub Executive

KPMG in the U.S.