
Global Trade & Customs Services

KPMG Global Trade and Customs Services professionals help businesses navigate the complexities of international trade and customs regulations, providing comprehensive support to ensure compliance, manage risks, and optimize trade operations.


Our approach

KPMG's extensive Trade & Customs (T&C) experience and network of professionals around the world can help companies  identify cost-savings opportunities across the globe and manage compliance risks associated with supply chains and global trade operations.

KPMG T&C professionals include former officials from customs and export authorities around the world; industry professionals, customs brokers, certified export and customs specialists; professionals with advanced degrees in business, economics, and law; and experienced trade technologists.

How we can support you

We work with clients to deliver value and efficiency for their business, including:

  • establishing and maintaining efficient cross-border operations keeping costs down to maintain strategic advantage
  • ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations associated with cross-border trade
  • customizing trade processes and controls to a business unit, company, or industry
  • mitigating risk issues related to conducting cross-border business.

Of further interest

Global Indirect Tax Services

KPMG Global Indirect Tax Services professionals leverage deep industry knowledge and advanced technologies to help you navigate the complexities of indirect taxes such as VAT, GST, electronic invoicing and customs duties across multiple jurisdictions.

Value chain management

In an increasingly globalized market, tax leaders face significant challenges in managing complex value chains, including regulatory compliance, transfer pricing issues, and operational inefficiencies. KPMG's Value Chain Management services professionals can help organizations optimize their value chains by providing comprehensive approaches that integrate tax planning with business operations.

Tax Insights

Navigate the future of tax: pressing business issues and opportunities facing tax and business leaders today.

Connect with us

KPMG combines our multi-disciplinary approach with deep, practical industry knowledge to help clients meet challenges and respond to opportunities. Connect with our team to start the conversation.

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