Cindy Hofmann

Director, Forensic

KPMG Switzerland

Cindy is a qualified South African Chartered Accountant, with more than 10 years of experience in Forensic. Cindy has experience in the areas of fraud prevention, detection and response, specializing in fraud and misconduct investigations, including anti-bribery and corruption. Cindy has been involved in and led various investigations in Switzerland and South Africa. She joined the Swiss Forensic practice in 2008 and is responsible for leading and conducting investigations regarding fraud, corruption and bribery as well as assisting clients to improve their systems and processes to prevent future incidents.

  1. Education and Qualifications
    Honours Bachelor of Accounting Sciences, Bachelor of Commerce, HR & Marketing, Diploma in Criminal Justice & Forensic Auditing
  2. Accreditations
    CA(SA), member of South African Institute of Chartered Accountants