Heiko Kubaile

Heiko Kubaile

Partner, Head of German Tax & Legal Center and Head Multishore Tax Reporting

KPMG Switzerland

Heiko Kubaile leads KPMG Switzerland’s Multishore Tax Reporting program (MTR). He is one of the leading specialists in client tax reporting, supporting banks on the design and implementation of external client tax reporting solutions. With our market-leading MTR Ecosystem that offers services that go beyond client tax reporting, Heiko has become a go-to tax advisor for financial service providers.

Heiko also leads KPMG’s German Tax & Legal Center (GTLC) in Zurich. He holds an MBA in International Taxation and advises clients in international tax planning with a focus on cross-border structures, private exits and double taxation agreements between Switzerland and Germany. He is also one of our leading authorities on structuring international employee assignments.

A regular author, Heiko penned the well-respected publication "Steuerstandort Schweiz" and “Kompaktkommentar zum Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen Deutschland-Schweiz”, among others. He also regularly speaks at various financial seminars in Switzerland, Germany, and Spain, and is a Board Member of the VSUD (Verein Schweizerischer Unternehmen in Deutschland).

  • Education and Qualifications
    University of Mannheim, Dipl. Kfm., BWL, Tax, University of Freiburg, MBA (Int. Taxation)