Nicolas Moser

Partner, Financial Services

KPMG Switzerland

Nicolas has 11 years of audit experience in the banking and financial sector at KPMG. He is specialized in providing regulatory and audit services to private banks, securities dealers and asset management companies. At KPMG, Nicolas provides a broad range of experience in audit and regulatory projects, such as leading engagements in the following areas: gap analyses with regard to suitability and by comparing a bank’s existing processes with MIFID 1, current Swiss rules and projected Swiss law (Financial Services Act), gap analyses and impact assessments regarding the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEoI), regulatory due diligence in the context of a banking transactions, client file reviews to identify gap with regards to new regulatory requirements and follow-up of remediation.

He has been helping a private bank handle the difficult process of implementing the US Tax Program, has handled various controlling and business analysis projects, notably to support the establishment of financial and regulatory reporting.

Currently, he acts as Leading FINMA-accredited banking auditor for various FINMA-regulated entities (banks, securities dealer and listed company). Nicolas is also involved in internal and external financial trainings, notably in the program towards the certificate of advanced studies in Compliance Management and the Master’s degree program in Accounting, Control and Finance at the Geneva University.

  • Education and Qualifications
    Master degree in economic sciences form the Geneva university, Swiss Certified Public Accountant - 2012, FINMA licensed auditor for banks and securities dealers for statutory and regulatory audits